Grey fabric manufacturer
Shaanxi Xinxing Textile Co., Ltd
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Overseas supplier of grey fabric
Xin Xing & About Us
Overseas supplier of grey fabric
Shaanxi Xinxing Textile Co., Ltd. is a private textile enterprise specializing in comprehensive textile weaving and processing. The enterprise is located in the Jiangzheng Textile Industrial Park in Fufeng County, 20 kilometers away from the world Buddhist capital Famen Temple, adjacent to the Lianhuo Expressway, 20 kilometers east of Yangling High Speed Railway South Station, and 100 kilometers east of Xianyang International Airport, with convenient transportation.
The company has over 200 weaving machines of various models and produces 5 million meters of finished fabric annually. Founded in 2003, after 20 years of development and growth, the original 44 inch shuttle loom has been replaced by advanced jet looms, upgrading the original lining fabric with pocket fabric to clothing, shirts, and workwear fabric. The enterprise produces all cotton, polyester cotton blank fabrics and workwear fabrics, as well as deep processing printing and dyeing of various colored fabrics, bleached fabri
  • Factory
  • High-quality
  • Spots
  • Supply
  • 25year
    Production experience
  • 50people
    Sales Team
  • 6000wrap
    Production output
  • 20family
    Overseas direct supply
  • Xin Xing & News
    Company dynamics
  • The Correct Wearing Method of Shaanxi Xiaobu
    The production method of Shaanxi filial ...
  • 31
    Polyester cotton grey fabric is a very c...
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    Shaanxi all cotton fabric mainly refers ...
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    For fabrics with good water absorption, ...
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    When it comes to polyester cotton fabric...
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    Introduction to Shaanxi Filial Piety Clo...
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